Thursday, November 19, 2009

The charter school wars erupt on the Lower East Side

The charter school wars have spread with a fury to the Lower East Side. Over the last few years, several charter schools have been inserted into their buildings, and now it appears that the parents of District 1 have had enough.

Last night, there was standing room only at the Community Education Council, where three different proposals to make room for the expansion of Girls Prep Charter School by taking away from rooms from other schools in D1 were debated.

Check out the video of CM Rosie Mendez below, and other videos of CM Alan Gerson, Suzie Kong, parent leader from Shuang Wen School and James Lee, Principal of PS 20 , Thomas Staebell, Principal of PS 15 and Isabel Reyna-Torres, teacher at PS 20.

Too bad Joel Klein, Michael Bloomberg, Arne Duncan and Bill Gates were not there to see this. You can check out news reports from NY1, Gotham Schools and and Dewey 21C. When will the madness end?