January 29, 2010 (GBN News): Mayor Michael Bloomberg, after spending over $100 million to overturn term limits and win re-election for a third term, has ironically been run out of City Hall by a twelve year old girl. The Mayor was abruptly whisked away to an undisclosed location when the girl, part of a group of students protesting the planned relocation of their school, approached the mayor.
“When they showed up,” Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott told GBN News, “we thought at first that they might be charter school students coming to thank the Mayor for his support. But then it turned out that they were public school students, not authorized to be on the premises. In this day and age of terrorism, we felt that it was prudent to get the Mayor away from there as soon as possible.”
A spokesperson for Mr. Bloomberg later minimized the incident. “The Mayor was never in danger, and security initially wasn’t going to take such a drastic step. But when he heard they were public school students, his first reaction was, ‘Ugh, get me out of here.’ So they felt it was best to comply with his wishes.”